Staff | Research Team Profile – Wen Yuan Chung

  • Name:
Wen Yuan Chung B.Sc, B.MSc, MB BCh BAO, PhD
  • Position:
Academic Fellow
  • Biography:
Wen Yuan Chung obtained his Pharmacy degree in Taiwan. He went to study Medicine in Ireland. He obtained his MBBChBAO and Ph.D. in University College Dublin from 1993-2006. He worked in various laboratories in, Germany, Portugal, Ireland and the UK before he joined the Department of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust in 2010. He continues his research career in the HPB Department and has expended abroad. He is an external supervisor for the University of Adelaide, Australia and University of Leicester in the United Kingdom.
  • Publications:
Visit Pub Med for full listing of Wen Yuan Chung journal articles

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