Research | Publications
Publication Year 2010 – 2014
To view the most prestigious publications by HPB Leicester, please click on the Year breakdown below.
1980 – 1989 |
1990 – 1994 |
1995 – 1999 |
2000 – 2004 |
2005 – 2009 |
2010 – 2014 |
Publications List
Publication Year | Publication |
2010 |
Garcea G, Gange R, Neal CP , Ong SL, Dennison AR, Berry DP Preoperative early warning scores can predict in-hospital mortality and critical care admission following emergency surgery J of Surgical Research 2010; 159 (2): 729-34 |
Neal CP, Thomasset SC, Bools D, Sutton CD, Garcea G, Mann CD, Rees Y, Newland C, Robinson R, Dennison AR, Berry DP Combined percutaneous-endoscopic stenting of malignant biliary obstruction: results from a 106 consecutive procedures and identification of factors associated with adverse outcome Surgical Endosc 2010; 79 (6): 471-5 |
Gravante G, Ong SL, Metcalfe MS, Sorge R, Birchandani J, Lloyd DM, Dennison AR Effects of Hypoxia due to isovolaemic hemodilution on an ex-vivo normothermic perfused liver model J Surg Research 2010; 160 (1): 73-80 |
Mann CD, Metcalfe MS, Spencer L, Lloyd DM, Maddern GJ, Dennison AR The safety and efficacy of ablative techniques adjacent to the hepatic vasculature and biliary system AZN J Surg 2010; 80 (1-2): 41-9 |
Garcea G, Mohammed A, Ong SL, Neal CP, Berry DP, Dennison AR Cavet reporting in ultrasound interpretation; comparison of sonographers versus radiologist J of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2010; 16 (1): 97-9 |
Gravante G, Ong SL, Cameron I, Richards C, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM Two primary tumours metastasizing to the liver in a “collision phenomenon” ANZ J of Surg 2010; 80 (5) 368-9 |
Bhardwaj N, Strickland A, Ahmed F, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM Liver ablation techniques: a review Surgical Endosc 2010; 24 (2): 254-65 |
Richert L , Abadie C, Bonet A, Heyd B, Mation G, Alexandre E, Bachellier P, Jaeck D, Kingston S, Pattenden C, Illouz S, Dennison A, Hoffmann S, Coecke S Inter-laboratory evaluation of primary human hepatocyte cultures to model CYP inducers: A European centre for validation of alternative methods (ECVAM) – funded pre-validation study Toxicol in Vitro 2010; 24 (1): 335-45 |
McMahon G, Bagul A, Alam F, Dennison AR A definitive technique for burying the knot following cancer resection Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2010; 92 (1): 76-7 |
McMahon G, Attar S, Dennison AR Bile duct “clip-stones” – Why a stitch in time could save nine Hepatogastroenterology 2010, 57 (102-103): 1037-9 |
Kong M, Lawden M, Dennison A Altered mental state and the Whipple triad BMJ 2010; doi:10.1136/bcr.08.2009.2158 |
Gravante G, Knowles T, Ong SL, Al-Taan O, Metcalfe M, Dennison A, Lloyd DM Future clinical applications of bile analysis ANZ 2010; 80 (10): 679-80 |
Al-Taan OS, Stephenson JA, Briggs C, Pollard C, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR Laparoscopic pancreatic surgery: a review of present results and future prospects HPB J Surg 2010; 12 (4): 239-43 |
Bright E, Reddy VM, Wallace D, Gracea G, Dennison AR The incident and success of treatment for severe chronic groin pain after open transabdominal preperitoneal and totally extraperitoneal hernia repair World J Surg 2010; 34 (4):692-6 |
Pollard CA, Garcea G, Pattenden CJ, Curran R, Berry DP, Dennison AR Justifying the expense of the Clinical Nurse Specialist Euro J Cancer Care (Eng) 2010 Jan 1; 19 (1):72-79 |
Bagul A, Pollard C, Dennison AR A review of problems following insertion of Biliary stents illustration by an unusual complication Ann R Coll Surg Eng 2010 May; 92(4): W27-31 |
Ahmed F, Gravante G, Bhardwaj N, Strickland A, Basit R, West K, Sorge R, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM Changes in interleukin-1β and 6 after hepatic microwave tissue ablation compared with radiofrequency, cryotherapy and surgical resection Am J Surg 2010; 200 (4): 500-6 |
Ahmed F, Gravante G, Bhardwaj, Strickland A, Basit R, West K, Sorge R, Dennison AR, DM Lloyd Renal effects of microwave ablation compared with radiofrequency, cryotherapy and surgical resection at different volumes of liver treated Liver Int 2010; 30(9): 1305-14 |
Gravante G, Ong SL, Metcalfe MS, Sorge R, Fox A, Lloyd DM, Maddern GJ, Dennison AR Changes in acid-base balance during electrolytic ablation in an ex-vivo perfused liver model Am J Surg. 2010 May 5. [Epub ahead of print] |
Bagul A, McMahon G, Alam F, Dennison AR Saftey dealing with the right hepatic vein during a right hepatectomy Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 2010; 92(5): 442-3 |
Gravante G, Ong SL, Metcalfe M, Sorge R, Lloyd D, Maddern GJ, Dennison AR Cytokine response following electrolytic ablation of the liver in an ex-vivo perfused liver model ANZ J Surg 2010; 80(7-8):537-41. |
Bhardwaj N, Gravante G, Strickland A, Ahmed F, Dormer J, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM Cryotherapy of the liver: a histological review Cryobiology 2010; 61 (1):1-9 |
Ahmed F, Gravante G, Bhardwaj N, Strickland A, Basit R, West K, Sorge R, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM Large volume hepatic microwave ablation elicits fewer pulmonary changes than radiofrquency or cryotherapy J Gastrointest Surg 2010; 14 (12): 1963-8 |
Stephenson J, Norwood M, Al-Leswas D, Al-Taan O, Beable R, Lloyd DM, Dennison AR Hepatic haemangioma masquerading as the gallbladder in a case of gallbladder angenesis. A case report and literature review HPB Surg. 2010; pii: 971609. Epub 2010 Jul 19 |
Gravante G, Knowles T, Ong S, Al-Taan O, Metcalfe M, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM Bile changes after liver surgery: experimental and clinical lessons for future applications Dig Surg. 2010, 10; 27(6): 450-460 |
Thomasset SC, Berry DP, Garcea G, Hall T, Rees Y, Sutton CD, Dennison AR A simple, safe technique for the drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts ANZ J Surg 2010; 80 (9): 609-14 |
2011 |
Neal CP, Mann CD, Metcalfe MS, Garcea G, Briggs C, Dennison AR, Berry DP Preoperative systematic inflammation predicts infectious complication following resection of colorectal liver metastases Arch of Surg 2011; 146 (4): 471-8 |
Ong SL, Garcea G, Puls F, Richards C, Mulcahy K, Grant A, Dennison AR, Berry DP 1gG4 positive sclerosing cholangitis following autoimmune pancreatitis with Dreranged CA19.9 Inter J of Surg Pathol 2011; 19 (1): 84-7 |
Gravante G, Ong SL, Metcalfe MS, Bhardwaj N, Lloyd DM, Dennison AR The effects of radiofrequency ablation on the hepatic parenchyma: Histological bases for tumour recurrence Surg Oncol 2011; 20 (4): 237-45 |
Gravante G, Ong SL, Metcalfe MS, Lloyd DM, Dennison AR The porcine hepatic arterial supply, its variation and their influence on the extracorporeal perfusion of the liver J Surg Res 2011; 168 (1):56-61 |
Gravante G, Overton J, Sorge R, Bhardwaj N, Metcalfe M, Lloyd DM, Dennison AR Radiofrequency ablation versus resection for liver tumours: an evidence-based approach to retrospective comparative studies Journal of Gastrintest 2011; 15 (2): 378-8 |
Gravante G, Ong SL, Metcalfe MS, Bhardwaj N, Maddern GJ, Lloyd DM, Dennison AR Experimental application of electrolysis in the treatment of liver and pancreas tumours: Principles, preclinical and clinical observations and future perspective Surg Oncol 2011; 20 (2): 106-20 |
Pollard CA, Gravante G, Webb M, Yuan-Chung W, Illouz S, Ong L, Musto P, Dennison AR Use of the recanalised umbilical vein for islet autotransplantation following total pancreatectomy Pancreatology 2011; 11(2): 233-9 |
Hall TC, Garcea G, Rajesh A, Dennison AR Pancreaticogastric fistula secondary to intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia: a case report and review of the literature Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2011; 93: (5): e 32-4 |
Garcea G, Ladwa N, Neal CP, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR, Berry DP Preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is associated with reduced disease-free survival following curative resection of pancreatic adenocarcinoma World J Surg 2011; 35 (4): 868-72 |
Bhardwaj N, Dormer J, Ahmed F, Strickland A, Gravante G, West K, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM Microwave ablation of the liver: a description of lesion evolution over time and an Investigation of the heat sink effect Pathology 2011; 43 (7): 725-31 |
Hall TC, Garcea G, Metcalfe M, Bilku D, Dennison AR Management of acute non-cirrhotic and non-malignant portal vein thrombosis: a systematic review World J Surg 2011 35 (11): 2510-20 |
Hall TC, Bilku D, AI-leswas D, Horst C, Dennison AR Biomarkers for the differentiation of sepsis and SIRS: the need for the Standardisation of diagnostic studies Ir J Med Sci 2011; 180 (4): 793-8 |
Garcea G, Dennison AR Branch-type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasam: an update Pancreatology 2011; 11 (3):3 36-42 |
Garcea G, Ngu W, Neal CP, Dennison AR, Berry DP Bilirubin levels predict malignancy in patients with obstructive jaundice HPB (Oxford) 2011; 11 (3): 336-42 |
Bikhchandani J, Metcalfe M, illouz S, Puls F, Dennison AR Extracorporealliver perfusion system for artificial liver support across a membrane J Surg Res 2011; 171 (1):e 139-47 |
Arshad A, AI-Leswas D, Stephenson J, Metcalfe M, Dennison A Potential applications of fish oils rich in n-3 fatty acids in the palliative treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer Br J Nut 2011; 106 (6): 795-800 |
2012 |
Bhardwaj N, Dormer J, Ahmed F, Strickland A, Gravante G, Beckingham I, West K, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM Heat shock protein 70 expression following hepatic radiofrequency ablation is affected by adjacent vasculature J Surg Res. 2012 Apr; 173(2):249-57. Epub 2010 Oct 23 |
Gravante G, Williams RN, Dennison AR, Bowery DJ Pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma Surgery 2012; 152(1): 138-9 |
Hall TC, Bilku DK, Al-Leswas D, Horst C, Dennison AR The difficulties of clinical trials evaluating therapeutic agaents in patients with severe sepsis Ir J Med Sci 2012; 181 (1): 1-6 |
Garcea G, Metcalfe MS, Berry DP, Robertson GS, Lloyd DM, Dennison AR Is intraoperative confirmation of malignancy during pancreaticodudonectomy mandatory? J Gastrointest Surg 2012; 16: (2): 370-5 |
Garcea G, Cairns V, Berry DP, Neal CP, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR Improving the diagnostic yield from staging laparoscopy for periampullary malignancies: the value of preoperative inflammatory markers and radiology tumour size Pancreas 2012; 41 (2): 233-7 |
M’Balu Webb, Dennison AR, James R The potential benefit of non-purified islet preparation for islet transplantation Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews 2012; 28: 1-14 |
Bilku D, Garcea G Hall T, Metcalfe M, Dennison AR Factors predicting significant pathology on ultrasonography in women presenting with non-specific lower abdominal pain Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2012 Apr; 94(3):155-8. |
Bramis K, Gordon-Weeks AN, Friend PJ, Bastin E, Burls, A,Silva MA, Dennison AR Systematic review of total pancreatectomy and islet autotransplantation for chronic pancreatitis. Br J Surg. 2012 Jun; 99(6):761-6 |
Bilku DK, Hall TC, Al-Leswas D, Dennison AR Can enhanced recovery programmes be further improved by the addition of omega three fatty acids? Ir J Med Sci. 2012 Mar 22. [Epub ahead of print] |
Garcea G, Rajesh A, Dennison AR Surgical management of cystic lesions in the liver. Arch Surg. 2012 Jul; 147(7): 657-66. |
Neal CP, Mann CD, Pointen E, McGregor A, Garcea ,Metcalfe MS, Berry D, Dennison AR Influence of hepatic parenchymal histology on outcome following right trisectionectomy J Gastrointest Surg 2012; Nov: 16 (11): 2064-73 |
Neal CP, Dennison AR, Garcea G. Surgical therapy in chronic pancreatitis Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol 2012; 58(4): 377-400 |
Itoh T, Iwahashi S, Kanak MA, Shimoda M, Takita M, Chujo D, Tamura Y, Rahman AM, Chung WY, Onaca N, Coates PT, Dennison AR, Naziruddin B, Level MF, Matsumoto S Elevation of high-mobility Group Box 1 after clinical autologous islet transplant and its inverse correlation with outcomes Cell Transplant 2012 Dec 4 (Epub ahead of print) |
Chung WY, Gravante G, Al-Leswas D, Alzaraa A, Sorge R, Ong SL, Pollard C, Lloyd DM, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR The autologous normothermic ex vivo perfused porcine liver-kidney model: Improving the circuit’s biochemical and acid-based environment Am J Surg 2012; 204 (4): 518-26 |
Hall TC, Dennison AR, Bilku DK, Metcalfe MS, Garcea G Enhanced recovery programmes in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery: a Systematic review Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2012 Jul; 94 (5): 318-26 |
Alzaraa A, Gravante G, Chung W, Al-Leswas D, Bruno M, Dennison A, Lloyd D Targeted microbubbles in the experimental and clnical setting Am J Surg 2012 Sep: 204 (3): 355- 66 |
Cairns V, Neal CP, Dennison AR, Garcea G Risk and cost-effectiveness of surveillance followed by cholecystectomy for Gallbladder polyp Arch Surg. 2012 Dec 1; 147 (12) 1078-83 |
Hall TC, Dennison AR, Bilku DK, Metcalfe MS, Garcea G Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a systematic review Arch Surg.2012 Jul: 147(7): 657-66 |
Patel M, Garcia G, Fairhurst K, Dennison AR Patient perception of laparoscopic versus open mesh repair of inguinal hernia, the hard sell Hernia. 2012 Aug: 16(4): 411-5 |
Gravante G, Ong SL, Metcalfe MS, Bhardwaj N, Maddern GJ, Lloyd DM, Dennison AR Patterns of histological changes following hepatic electrolytic ablation in an ex- Vivo perfused model Pathol Oncol Res. 2012 Oct: 18(4):1085-9 |
Hall TC, Dennison AR, Garcea G The diagnosis and management of Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction: a systematic review Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2012 Aug: 397 (6):889-98 |
Chung WY, Gravante G, Al-Leswas D, Alzaraa A, Sorge R, Ong SL, Pollard C, Lloyd DM, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR Addition of a kidney to the normothermic ex vivo perfused porcine liver model does not increase cytokine response J Artif Organs. 2012 Sep: 15(3):209-4 |
2013 |
Arshad A, Al-Leswas D, Al-Tann O, Stephenson JS, Metcalfe MS, Steward W, Dennison AR Pooled survival and response data phase 111 randomized controlled trials for gemcitabine-based in the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer Am J Clin Oncol. 2013 Aug; 36(4):411-4 |
Gravante G, Ong SL, McGregor A, Sorge R, Metcalfe M, Lloyd D, Dennison AR Histological changes during extracorporeal perfusions of the porcine liver: implications for temporary support during acute liver failures J Artif Organs, 2013 June; 16 (2):218-28 |
Ngu W, Jones M, Neal CP, Dennison AR, Metcalfe MS, Garcea G Preoperative biliary drainage for distal biliary drainage obstruction and post- operative infectious complications ANZ J Surg. 2013 Apr; 83(4): 280-6 |
Webb MA, Chen J, Illouz SC, Pollard CA, Dennison B, West KP, James RF, Dennison AR The impact of potential islet precursor cells on islet autotransplantation outcomes Cell Transplant. 2013; 22 (6): 1041-51. |
Garcea G, Rajesh A, Dennison AR Surgical management of cystic lesions in the liver ANZ J Surg. 2013 Jul:83 (7-8):516-22 |
Hall TC, Pattenden C, Hollobone C, Pollard C, Dennison AR Blood transfusion policies in elective general surgery: how to optimise cross-matched-to-transfusion ratios Transfus Med and Hemother 2013 Feb; 40 (1): 27-31. |
Arshad A, Chung WY, Steward W, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR Reduction in circulating pro-angiogenic and pro-inflammatory factors is related to improved outcomes in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with gemcitabine and intravenous omega 3 fish oil HPB (Oxford) 2013 June; 15 (6) :428-32 |
Arshad A, Chung W, Isherwood J, Steward W, Metcalfe M, Dennison A Restoration of mannose-binding lectin complement activity is associated with improved outcome in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with gemcitabine and intravenous ω-3 fish oil JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2013 Feb 19. (Epub ahead of print) |
Garcea G, Pollard CA, Illouz S, Webb M, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR Patient satisfaction and cost-effectiveness following total pancreatectomy with islet cell transplantation for chronic pancreatitis Pancreas. 2013 Mar; 42(2):322-8 |
Ong SL, Gravante G, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR History, ethics, advantages and limitations of experimental models for hepatic ablation World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jan 14; 19 (2):147-54. |
Chung WY, Gravante G, Al-Leswas D, Arshad A, Sorge R, Watson CC, Pollard C, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR The development of a multiorgan ex vivo perfused model: results with the Porcine liver kidney circuit over 24 hours. Artif Organs. 2013 May; 37(5): 457-66 |
Al-Taan O, Stephenson JA, Spencer L, Pollard C, West AL, Calder PC, Metcalfe M, Dennison AR Changes in plasma and erythrocyte omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in response to intravenous supply of omega-3 fatty acids in patients with hepatic colorectal metastases. Lipids Health Dis, 2013 May 7; 12:64 |
Barlow A, Garcea G, Berry DP Rajesh A, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR Staging laparoscopy for hilar cholangiocarcinoma in 100 patients Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2013 Oct; 398(7): 983-8. |
Jones M, Buchanan AS, Neal CP, Dennison AR, Metcalfe MS, Garcea G Imaging of indeterminate pancreatic cystic lesions: A systematic review Pancreatology 2013 Jul-Aug; 13(4): 436-42 |
Stephenson JA, Al-Taan O, Arshad A, Morgan B, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR The multifaceted effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the hallmarks of cancer J Lipids. 2013; 2013:261247 |
Ong SL, Gravante G, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR History, ethics advantages and limitations of experimental models for hepatic ablation World J Gastroenterol 2013 Jan 14:19 (2): 147-54 |
Stephenson JA, Al-Taan O, Arshad A, West AL, Calder PC, Morgan B, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR Unsaturated fatty acids differ between hepatic colorectal metastases and liver tissue without tumour in humans: results from a randomised controlled trial of intravenous eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2013 Jun; 88(6): 405-10. |
Stephenson JA, Al-Taan O, Arshad A, Morgan B, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR. The multifaceted effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated Fatty acids on the hallmarks of cancer J Lipids 2013; 2013:261247. doi: 10.1155/2013/261247. Epub 2013 May 16. |
Thomasset SC, Dennison AR, Metcalfe MS, Steward WP, Garcea G Changing trends in the presentation of colorectal liver metastases in a single hepatobiliary tertiary referral centre over fourteen years. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Nov; 39(11):1243-7 |
Barlow AD, Haqq J, McCormack D, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR, Garcea G. The role of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography in the management of acute gallstone pancreatitis. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2013 Oct; 95(7): 503-6 |
Arshad A, Chung WY, Isherwood J, Mann CD, Al-Leswas D, Steward WP, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR. Cellular and plasma uptake of parenteral omega-3 rich lipid emulsion fatty acids in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Clin Nutr. 2013 Oct 6. pii: S0261-5614(13) 00257-4 |
Chung WY, Eltweri AM, Isherwood J, Haqq J, Ong SL, Gravante G, Lloyd DM, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR. Steps for the Autologous Ex vivo Perfused Porcine Liver-kidney Experiment. J Vis Exp. 2013 Dec 18 ;( 82) |
Carey FJ, Little MW, Pugh TF, Ndokera R, Ing H, Clark A, Dennison A, Metcalfe MS, Robinson RJ, Hart AR. The differential effects of statins on the risk of developing pancreatic cancer: a case-control study in two centres in the United Kingdom. Dig Dis Sci. 2013 Nov; 58(11): 3308-12 |
Hall TC, Garcea G, Metcalfe M, Bilk D, Rajesh A, Dennison A. Impact of anticoagulation on outcomes in acute non-cirrhotic and non- malignant portal vein thrombosis: a retrospective observational study. Hepatogastroenterology. 2013 Mar-Apr; 60(122): 311-7 |
Alzaraa A, Al-Leswas D, Chung WY, Gravante G, Bruno M, West K, Dennison A, Lloyd D. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound detects perfusion defects in an ex vivo porcine liver model: a useful tool for the study of hepatic reperfusion J Artif Organs. 2013 Dec; 16(4): 475-82 |
Alzaraa A, Gravante G, Chung WY, Al-Leswas D, Morgan B, Dennison A, Lloyd D. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative assessment of liver lesions Hepatol Res. 2013 Aug; 43(8): 809-19 |
Chung WY, Eltweri AM, Isherwood J, Haqq J, Ong SL, Gravante G, Lloyd DM, Metcalfe AM, Dennison AR Steps for the autologous ex vivo perfused porcine liver-kidney experiment J Vis Exp. 2013 Dec 18;(82):e50567. doi: 10.3791/50567 |
2014 |
Hall T, Garcea G, Webb B, Al-Leswas D, Metcalfe M, Dennison AR The socioeconomic impact of chronic pancreatitis: a systematic review J Eval Clin Pract. 2014 Jun;20(3):203-7. doi: 0.1111/jep.12117. Epub 2014 Mar 24 |
Hall TC, Bilku DK, Al-Leswas D, Neal CP, Horst C, Cooke J, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR A randomised controlled trial investigating the effects of parenteral fish oil on survival outcomes in critically ill patients with sepsis: A Pilot Study JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2014 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print] |
Bilku DK, Dennison AR, Metcalfe MS, Garcea G Role of preoperative carbohydrate loading: a systematic review Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2014 Jan;96(1):15-22 |
Isherwood J, Garcea G, Williams R, Metcalfe M, Dennison AR Serology and ultrasound for diagnosis of choledocholithiasis Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2014 Apr;96(3):224-8 |
Aswad MG, Dennison AR, Neal CP, Metcalfe MS, Garcea G Biliary stenting for benign and malignant obstructive jaundice: safe use of extended stent-change intervals Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2014 Aug;24(4):385-90 |
Arshad A, Chung W, Isherwood J, Steward W, Metcalfe M, Dennison A Restoration of Mannose-binding lectin complement activity is associated with improved outcome in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with gemcitabine and intravenous omega-3 fish oil JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2014 Feb;38(2):214-9 |
Burr NE, Talboys RJ, Savva S, Clark A, Phillips M, Metcalfe M, Dennison A, Robinson R, Lewis MP, Rhodes M, Rushbrook S, Hart AR Aspirin may prevent cholangiocarcinoma: a case control study from the United Kingdom Dig Dis Sci. 2014 Jul;59(7):1567-72 |
