Research | Publications

Publication Year 2005 – 2009

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Publications List


Publication Year Publication
2005 Garcea G, Berry DP, Jones DJ, Singh R, Dennison AR, Farmer PB, Sharma RA, Steward WP, Gescher AJ
Consumption of the putative chemopreventive agent curcumin by cancer patients: generates pharmacodynamic active levels in the colorectum
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2005; 14: (1): 120-125
Sutton CD, Garcea G, Pollard C, Berry DP, Dennison AR
The introduction of a nutrition clinical nurse specialist results in a reduction in the rate of catheter sepsis
Clin Nutr 2005; 24(2): 220-3
Sutton CD, O’byrne K, Goddard JC, Marshall LJ, Jones L, Garcea G, Dennison AR, Poston G, Lloyd DM, Berry DP
Expression of thrombospondin-1 in resected colorectal liver metsatases predicts poor prognosis
Clinical Cancer Research 2005; 11: 6567-73
Garcea G, Lloyd T, Steward WP, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Differences in attitudes between patients with primary colorectal cancer and patients with secondary colorectal cancer: is it reflected in their willingness to participate in drug trials?
Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 2005; 14 (2):166-70
Morrison CP, Court FG, Teague BD, Metcalfe MS, Wemyss-Holden SA, Texler M, Dennison AR, Maddern GJ
Endoscopic perductal electrolytic ablation of the pancreas: experimental studies of morbidity and mortality
Dig Dis 2005; 23(1): 83-91
Court FG, Wemyss-Holden SA, Morrison CP, Teague BD, Dennison AR, Maddern GJ
Postoperative death in sows as a result of gastric mucosal de-gloving at the pars oesophagea
Lab Anim 2005; 39(3): 308-13
Garcea G, Dennison AR, Steward WP, Berry DP
The role of inflammation in pancreatic cancer; implications for future therapy
Pancreatology 2005; 5(6): 514-29
Sutton CD, O’Byrne K, Goddard JC, Marshall LJ, Jones L, Garcea G, Dennison AR, Poston G, Lloyd DM, Berry DP
Expression of thrombospondin-1 in resected colorectal liver metastases predicts poor prognosis
Clin Cancer Res 2005; 11 (18): 6567-73
Doucas H, Garcea G, Manson M, Neal C, Dennison AR, Berry DP
The role of the Wnt signalling pathway in gastrointestinal carcinogenesis
Eur J Cancer 2005; 41: 365-79
2006 Lloyd TD, Malin G, Pugsley H, Garcea A, Garcea G, Dennison A, Berry DP, Kelly MJ
Women presenting with lower abdominal pain: a missed opportunity for chlamydia screening?
The Surgeon 2006; 4 (1): 15-19
Doucas H, Neal CP, O’Reilly K, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Frozen section diagnosis of pancreatic malignancy: a sensitive diagnostic technique
Pancreatology 2006; 6 (3): 210-3; discussion 214
Hoh C, Boocock D, Marczylo T, Singh R, Berry DP, Dennison AR, Hemingway D, Miller A, West K, Euden S, Garcea G, Farmer P, Steward WP, Gescher AJ
Pilot study of oral silibinin, a putative chemopreventive agent, in colorectal cancer patients: silibinin levels in plasma, colorectum, and liver and their pharmacodynamic consequence
Clin Cancer Res 2006; 12 (9): 2944-50
Garcea G, Lloyd T, Gescher A, Steward WP, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Malondialdehyde-DNA adducts-potential markers of oxidative stress in human liver during pringle manoeuvre in vivo
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Dis Int 2006; 5: 210-214
Garcea G, Gescher A, Steward W, Dennison A, Berry D
Oxidative stress in humans following the Pringle manoeuvre
Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2006; 5 (2): 210-4
Neal CP, Garcea G, Doucas H, Manson MM, Sutton CD, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Molecular prognostic markers in resectable colorectal liver metastases: A systematic review
Eur J Cancer 2006; 42(12): 1728-43
Garcea G, Jackson B, Pattenden CJ, Sutton CD, Neal CP, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Early warning scores predict outcome in acute pancreatitis
J Gastrointest Surg 2006; 10(7): 1008-15
Garcea G, Doucas H, Steward WP, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Hypoxia and angiogenesis in pancreatic cancer
ANZ J Surg 2006; 76 (9): 830-42
Doucas H, Garcea G, Manson M, Neal C, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Chemoprevention of pancreatic cancer: A review of the molecular pathways involved and evidence for the potential of chemoprevention
Pancreatology 2006; 6: 429-439
Webb MA, Illouz S, Pollard C, Musto P, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Long-term maintenance of graft function following islet auto transplantation of <1000 IEQ/kg
Pancreas 2006; 33 (4): 433- 4
Neal CP, Peterson M, Mann CD, Pattenden CJ, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Aorto-caval fistula due to neuroendocrine malignancy: report of the first documented case and its diagnosis by intra-operative ultrasonography
HPB 2006; 8 (S2): 252
Mann CD, Metcalfe MS, Neal CP, Patterson C, Rees Y, Dennison AR, Berry D
Sonography surveillance after hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases detects resectable recurrent disease in the liver
Eur J Surg Oncol 2006; 32 (8): 1026
2007 Webb MA, Platton SL, Dennison AR, James RF
Immunohistochemical evidence that culture in the high aspect rotating vessel can up-regulate hormone expression in growth de-differentiated PHHI-derived islet cells
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 2007; 43 (7): 210-4
Garcea G, Pattenden CJ, Stephenson J, Sutton CD, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Nine-year single centre experience of non-parasitic liver cysts: diagnosis and management
Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2007 Jan; 52 (1): 185-101
Pattenden CJ, Dennison AR
Miscellaneous conditions of the pancreas
Surgery: the continuously updated review of surgery Feb 2007
25 (2): 95-97
Mann CP, Johnson NA, Metcalfe MS, Neal CP, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Cholecystobronchial fistula secondary to adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeon of England 2007; 89: (6):14 -16
Garcea G, Pattenden CJ, Gallie H, Sutton CD, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Evolution of a non-transplant Hepatobiliary Unit
Journal of Evaluation of Clinical Practice 2007; 13: 466-469
Garcea G, Sutton CD, Pattenden CJ, Neal CP, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Suction drain retention sutures in the closure of the acute burst abdomen
Australian New Zeland Journ of Surg 2007; 77: 495
Garcea G, Manson MM, Neal CP, Pattenden CJ, Sutton CD, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Glycogen synthase kinase-3: a new target against pancreatic cancer?
Current Cancer Drug Targets 2007: 7: 209-215
Mann CD, Metcalfe MS, Neal CP, Pattenden CJ, Dennison AR, Berry DP
The clinical risk score predicts yield of staging laparoscopy in patients with colorectal liver metastases
Br J Surg 2007; 94 (7): 855-9
Metcalfe MS, Mullins EJ, Texler M, Dennison AR, Berry DP, Maddern GJ
The safety and efficacy of radiofrequency and electrolysis ablation techniques adjacent to large hepatic veins
EJSO 2007; 33 (5): 662-7
Garcea, G, Dennison AR, Ong SL, Patterson CJ, Neal CP, Sutton CD, Mann CD, DP Berry
Tumour characteristics predict survival following resection for ductal adenocarcinoma of the head of pancreas
Eur J Surg Oncol 2007; 33 (7): 892-7
Doucas H, Sutton CD, Zimmerman A, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Assessment of pancreatic malignancy with laparoscopy and intraoperative ultrasound
Surg Endosc 2007; 21 (7): 1147-52
Mann CD, Metcalfe MS, Neal CP, Rees Y, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Role of ultrasonography in the detection of resectable recurrence after hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases
Br J Surg 2007; 94 (11): 1403-7
Mann CP, Neal CP, Garcea G, Manson MM, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Prognostic molecular markers in hepatocellular carcinoma: a systemic review
Eur J of Cancer 2007; 43 (6): 979-92
Mann CD, Neal CP, Pattenden CJ, Metcalfe MS, Garcea G, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Major resection of hepatic colorectal liver metastasis in elderly patients: an aggressive approach is justified
EJSO 2007; 34 (4): 428-432
Barlow A, Lloyd TDR, Garcea G, Must P, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Caroli’s disease masquerading as a liver metastasis
Case reports and Clinical Practice Review 2007; 8: 73-75
Illouz S, Webb MA, Pollard C, O’Reilly K, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Islet autotransplantation restores normal glucose tolerance in a patient with Chronic pancreatitis
Diabetes Care; 2007: 30 (12): e130
Mann CD, Metcalfe MS, Neal CP, Patterson CJ, Rees Y, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Sonographic surveillance after hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases detects resectable recurrent disease in the liver
British Journal of Surgery 2007 ;(11):1 403-1407
Ong SL, Garcea G, Thomasset SC, Mann CD, AbuAmara M, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Surrogate markers of resectability in patients undergoing exploration of potentially resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2007; 12; (6):1068-1073
2008 Webb MA, Illouz S, Pollard C, Musto P, Gregory R, Mayberry J, Tordoff S, Bone M, Cordel C, Nicholson M, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Islet autotransplant following total pancreatectomy: A long-term assessment of graft function
Pancreas 2008; 37 (3): 282-287
Garcea G, Dennison AR, Pattenden CJ, Neal CP, Sutton CD, Berry DP
Survival following curative resection for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a Systematic review of the literature
Journal of the Pancreas 2008; 8; 9; (2): 99-132
Illouz S, Nakamura T, Webb M, Thava B, Birchandani J, Robertson G, Lloyd DM, P Berry D, Wada H, Dennison AR
Comparison of University of Wisconsin and ET-Kyoto preservation solutions for the cryopreservation of primary human hepatocytes
Transplant Proc 2008: 40 (5): 1706-1709
Illouz S, Alexandre E, Pattenden C, Mark L, Bachellier P, Webb MA, Berry D, Dennison A, Richert L
Differential effects of curcumin on cryopreserved versus fresh primary human hepatocytes
Phytotherapy Research 2008; 22 (12): 1688-91
Ong S, Pollard C, Rees Y, Garcea G, Webb M, Illouz S, Berry D, Dennison AR
Ultrasound changes within the liver following total pancreatectomy and intra-hepatic islet cell auto-transplantation
Transplantation 2008; 85 (12): 1773-1777
Ong SL, Sachdeva A, Garcea G, Gravante G, Metcalfe MS, Lloyd DM, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Elevation of carbohydrate antigen 19.9 in benign Hepatobiliary conditions and its correlation with serum bilirubin concentration
Dig Dis Sci 2008; 53 (12): 3213-7
Garcea G, Gouda MR, Hebbes C, Ong SL, Neal CP, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Predictors of severity and survival in acute pancreatitis: Validation of the efficacy of early warning score
Pancreas 2008; 37 (3): 54-61
Garcea G, Jackson B, Pattenden CJ, Sutton CD, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Dynamic changes in early warning scores predict outcome from acute pancreatitis
Post Grad Med Journ 2008; 84: 271-275
Garcea G, Ong SL, Rajesh A, Neal P, Pollard CA, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Cystic lesions of the pancreas: A diagnostic and management dilemma
Pancreatology 2008; 8 (3): 236-251
Garcea G, Jackson B, Pattenden CJ, Ong SL, Neal CP, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Progression of early warning score (EWS) in patients with acute pancreatitis: A re-evaluation of a retrospective cohort of patients
Post Grad Med Journ 2008; 84:991-271
Garcea G, Ong SL, Dennison AR, Berry DP, Maddern GJ
Palliation of malignant obstructive jaundice: an overview
Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2008; 54 (6): 1184-98
Ong SL, Garcea G, Thomasset SC, Neal CP, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Ten-year experience in the management of gallbladder cancer from a single hepatobiliary and pancreatic centre with review of the literature
HPB 2008; 10 (6): 446-458
Bright E, Garcea G, Ong SL, Madira W, Berry DP, Dennison AR
An unusual case of concurrent insulinoma and nesidioblastosis
J of Pancreas 2008 2; 9 (5): 649-53
Chen JJ, Ong SL, Richards CJ, Garcea G, Pollard CA, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Inaccuracy of fine-needle biopsy in the diagnosis of solitary firbroustumour of the liver
Asian J of Surg 2008; 31 (4): 195-8
Ong SL, Garcea G, Mulcahy K, Rees Y, Berry DP, Dennison A
The role of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in detecting local recurrence cholangiocarcinoma
European J of Radiology Extra 2008; 68 (1): 21-3
2009 Gravante G, Sconocchia G, Ong SL, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM
Immunoregulatory effects of liver ablation therapies for the treatment of primary and metastatic liver malignancies
Liver International 2009, 29 (1): 18-24
Aslam MI, Spencer L, Garcea G, Pollard C, Metcalfe MS, Harrison R, Dennison AR
A case of liver mestastasis from a hybrid oncocytoma with a focal of chromophobe renal cell carcinoma: a wolf in sheeps clothing
Inter J Surg Pathology 2009, 17 (2): 158-62
Stephenson JA, Al-Taan OS, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR
The surgical management of obesity
InnoVait 2009; (in press)
Barlow AD, Nakas A, Pattenden CJ, Martin-Ucar AE, Dennison AR, Berry DP, Lloyd DM, Robertson GS, Waller DA
Surgical treatment of combined hepatic and pulmonary metastases
EJSO 2009, 35 (3):307-12
Ong SL, Gravante G, Metcalfe MS, Strickland AS, Dennison AR, Lloyd DM
Efficacy and safety of microwave ablation for primary and secondary liver malignancies: a systematic review
Eur J of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2009; 21 (6): 599-605
Garcea G, Weaver J, Philips J, Pollard CA, Illouz S, Webb MA, Berry DP, Dennison AR
Total pancreatectomy with and without islet cell transplantation for chronic pancreatitis: A series of 85 consecutive patients
Pancreas 2009; 38 (1): 1-7
Mann CD, Neal CP, Garcea G, Manson MM, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Phytochemicals as potential chemopreventative and chemotherapeutic agents in hepatocarcinogenesis
Eur J of Cancer Prev 2009; 18 (1): 13-25
Gravante G, Ong SL, Metcalfe MS, Sorge R, Sconocchia G, Orlando G, Lloyd DM, Dennison AR
Cytokine response to ischemia/reperfusion injury in an ex-vivo perfused porcine liver model
Transplant Proc 2009; 41 (4): 1107-12
Neal CP, Mann CD, Sutton CD, Garcea G, Ong SL, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Evaluation of prognostic value of systemic inflammation and socioeconomic deprivation in patients with respectable colorectal liver metastases
Europ J of Cancer Care 2009; 45 (1): 56-64
Scott EN, Garcea G, Doucas H, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Surgical bypass vs endoscopic stenting for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
HPB 2009; 11(2):118-24
Gravante G, Garcea G, Ong SL, Metcalfe MS, Berry D, Lloyd D, Dennison AR.
Prediction of mortality in acute pancreatitis: a systematic review of published evidence
Pancreatology 2009; 9 (5): 601-614
Ong SL, Garcea G, Pollard CA, Furness PN, Steward WP, Rajesh A, Spencer L, Lloyd DM, Berry DP, Dennison AR
A fuller understanding of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours combined with aggressive management improves outcome
Pancreatology 2009; 9(5):601-614
Mann CD, Thomasset SC, Johnson N, Garcea G, Neal CP, Dennison AR, Berry DP
Combined biliary and gastric bypass procedures as effective palliation for unrescetable malignant disease
Australian New Zealand J of Surg 2009; 79 (6): 471-5
Laura Spencer, Christopher Mann, Matthew Metcalfe, M’Balu Webb, Cristina Pollard, David Berry, Daniel Spencer, William Stewart, Ashley Dennison
The effect of omega-3 FA on tumour angiogenesis and their therapeutic potential
Europ J of Cancer 2009; 45(12): 207-86
Thomasset S, Berry D, Cai H, West K, Marczylo T, Marsden D, Brown K, Dennison A, Garcea G, Miller A, Hemmingway D, Steward W, Gescher A
Pilot study of oral anthocyanins for colorectal chemoprevention
Cancer Prev Res 2009; 2 (7): 625-33
Ong SL, Gravante G, Pollard CA, Webb MA, Illouz S, Dennison AR
Total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation: an overview
HPB (Oxford) 2009; 11 (8): 613-21
Stephenson JA, Wiggins T, Al-Taan OS, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR
Bowel obstruction: a clinical review
InnoVait 2009 (in press)
Stephenson JA, Al-Taan OS, Metcalfe MS, Dennison AR
Pancreatic disease: a clinical review
InnoVait 2009; 2 (11): 662-673
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