Charity | Charity News Events – Leicester to Skegness Charity Bike Ride 2013
In 2013 a patient decided to ‘give something back’ to his surgeon who told a specialist nurse that he and his family were planning a charity bike ride from Leicester to Skegness in order to raise money for pancreatic cancer research, at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. Upon hearing this, the nurse decided to take up the challenge herself & accompany the patient. This group then quickly grew to include the surgeon himself, patients, staff, family and friends and both. With less than 5 weeks notice (and training) for the ride last year, the journey was impressively completed by all 35 participants in May 2013, in less than 6 hours. Over £20,000 was raised and donated towards research undertaken into pancreatic cancer at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.
For the latest Pictures of the event please click on the images below for a full preview :